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Irenaeus Against Heresies Preface 1
"1. INASMUCH(1) as certain men have set the truth aside, and bring in lying words and vain genealogies, which, as the apostle says,(2) 'minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith,' and by means of their craftily-constructed plausibilities draw away the minds of the inexperienced and take them captive, [I have felt constrained, my dear friend, to compose the following treatise in order to expose and counteract their machinations.] These men falsify the oracles of God, and prove themselves evil interpreters of the good word of revelation. They also overthrow the faith of many, by drawing them away, under a pretence of [superior] knowledge, from Him who rounded and adorned the universe; as if, forsooth, they had something more excellent and sublime to reveal, than that God who created the heaven and the earth, and all things that are therein. By means of specious and plausible words, they cunningly allure the simple-minded to inquire into their system; but they nevertheless clumsily destroy them, while they initiate them into their blasphemous and impious opinions respecting the Demiurge;(3) and these simple ones are unable, even in such a matter, to distinguish falsehood from truth."

  Abomination of Desolation "This abomination of desolation foretold, was first partly fulfilled in diverse profanations of the Temple of Heirusalem, when the sacrifice and service of God was taken away, but specially it shall be fulfilled by Antichrist and his precursors, when they shall abolish the Holy Mass, which is the Sacrifice of Christ's body and blood, and the only sovereign worship due to God in His Church: as Saint Hyppolytus writeth to these words: The incense, nor worship grateful to God, But the sacred houses of Churches shall be like to cottages, and the precious body and blood of Christ shall not be extant (openly in Churches) in those days, the Liturgy (or Mass) shall be extinguished, the Psalmody shall cease, the reciting of the Scriptures shall not be heard. (Hippolytus, 'Of Antichrist'). By which it is plain that the Heretics of these days be the special forerunners of Antichrist." (Annotations, Douay-Rhemes, 1582, New Testament)

"...and of him shall stand armies, and shall pollute the Sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the continual sacrifice; and they shall give abomination into desolation..." (Daniel 11:31) Poor children!
  There are only two forces in the world; one of God, the other of Satan. Christ's Church is His kingdom on earth, a visible institution from which He would never be dissociated (St. Matthew 28:20), but which He would govern through a representative (St. Matthew 16:19). The Church is a body of which Christ Jesus is the Head (Colossians 1:18). It is "The Church of the Living God" (1 Timothy 3:15) because He would send the Holy Ghost (Spirit of God, same Spirit of Christ Jesus) to animate it, to guide and direct it. Hence, it is the "pillar of truth".

Grant that Christ is divine, and you are compelled to hold that His Church is yet on earth, that the original spostles or messengers must have successors down to our time commissioned "to rule the Church of God."

Religious organizations founded since the time of Christ, no matter how humanly perfect they may be, cannot be competitors of, nor tak the place of the original Christian Church.

Christ's Kingdom on earth, the Church of the living God must certainly be easily discoverable, for at these end times it must have reached most of the nations; it must have existed throughout the twentieth centuries of the Christian era. It must have a history; it must have come in frequent conflick with the powers of evil. It must have passed on the morality of worldly movements; its membership must be wonderfully united in belief and practice. It must have a seat of government; its most faithful adherents must be noted for holiness of life; its teaching body must be able to trace an unbroken succession from the original divinely commissioned Twelve; it must still be forgiving sins; still doing what Christ delegated it to do at the Last Supper.

Who would deny God, He to Whom we owe all that we have and are, to Whom we are indebted for each new day's lease of life, without Whose kindness we could not take another breath. Who made us to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him. Nay, many would rather serve themselves, worshipping only themselves, offering sacrifices of no benefit like Cain of which he offered the least, but Abel his best.

The grand "Conspiracy against truth" revealed in Protestant histories was exposed, the disingenuous and mendacious fables that have passed for truth are laid bare by the research of candid and disinterested historians and writers.

What did Germany, for instance, gain by the schism of Luther? In one word, it gained that fratricidal religious war which for thirty years made the German States a great battleground and deluged the land with the blood of contending brethren who should have dwelt together in peace and harmony. It was all about religion. Protestants threw off their allegiance to the Pope and the authority of the Church and allied themselves with the State. They protested not only against the Church, but against one another. There was, thus, no toleration. Calvin even ordered the burning of Servetus.

What did England gain by the schism of the brutal monarch, Henry VIII, and "good Queen Bess"? England gained endless strife and complete subjection to the State. There was never a tyrant more cruel, more selfish and reckless, more exacting than the man who dared, in the face of his own expressed principles, to throw off his allegiance to the Pope and make himself ten times more a "Pope" in his own dominions. Let it never be forgotten that Protestantism was Forced upon an unwilling people at the expense of thousands of innocent lives and saintly martyrs like Sir Thomas More and Bishop Fisher who both were murdered in cold blood simply because they could not conscientiously forswear themselves and abandon the religion which they believed to be true and binding.

In Russia's schism, the form of government of the Russian Church was remodeled for State Czar, Peter the Great. A rigid adherence to old customs (traditions of men) and complete obedience to the Czar is the supreme law of the schismatic Russian church. Even preaching is not allowed to its "priests" without police permission and the number of times the people may approach the "sacraments" is strictly fixed by secular law.

And this spiritual despotism was manifested in the most cruel, unheard of and barbarous persecution of the "Uniata" or Catholics who acknowledge their allegiance to the Pope. Whole villages were forced at the point of the bayonet to acknowledge and conform to the State religion with the alternative of being shot down or sent into exile. Then, what was opened to worse persecution later, because of no real authority, was Stalin, Lenin, and their Bolshevik's Revolution.

This brings to mind of also the degradation and superstition of the schismatical churches of the East which, through jealousy of the authority of Christ's Vicar, persisted in submitting to the galling despotism both of temporal and spiritual tyrants who keep them in ignorance and subjection from which our glorious Pontiff, Leo XIII, was most earnestly striving to deliver them. Many of their best ecclesiastics would have been glad to return to the certain faith, the supreme authority of the Chair of Peter and haven of rest, peace, and unity in Holy Church. But the ambition of princes and selfish politicians, as well as the jealousy of worldly ecclesiastics, has stood in the way.

What has that model Protestant State, Switzerland, gained by her schism? She gained Calvin with his ironbound system of unconditional predestination, subjection to the State and religious wars, divisions and persecutions the same as other locations spread through nations to this day.

Protestants are distinguished for the same overbearing, arbitrary, tyrannical policy which always characterizes Protestantism wherever it has gained ascendency. It is essentially a persecuting religion and inclined to ally itself with and depend upon the State for its support.

Our Protestant friends may flatter themselves that they are great gainers in truth and freedom, but for Catholics' part, we are content in preferring the settled fixed Faith, never-changing, non-divisional unity, and Diviine Tradition of the ages and the mild but infallible spiritual authority of the successor of Saint Peter.

While no Catholic ever repudiated the Church on their deathbed, many good and intelligent Protestants have sought admission into the true fold during their last moments.
  God has always required of mankind Sacrificial worship to Him God did proscribe Sacrifice as the outstanding religious expression of the Old Testament. Since the Old was the type of the New; and since Sacrifice may be offered only to God, as denoting His Supreme Rulership and the creature's absolute dependence upon Him, it is quite evident that Sacrifice would be the prescribed form of public worship in the Christian religion.

Christ's atonement on the Cross would be the Supreme Bloody Sacrifice by which mankind would be reconciled with God. The Mass is the renewed UnBloody Sacrifice of Calvary, of which Jesus taught the Apostles to do and hand down to generations in commemoration of Him until His Return.

THE perpetual Mass, the "continual sacrifice" for all time.

There is but one only true church.