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Holy War against the enemies of the Roman Catholic Church who have dared to infiltrate, usurp the Holy See, and introduce a new church of popularity, fashion, and modernism.

O Christ Jesus, I acknowledge Thee as King of the universe. All that was made was created by Thee; exercise all Thy rights over me.

I renew my baptismal vows, renouncing Satan, his pomps and his works, and I promise to lead a true Christian life.

Very particularly do I pledge myself to strive according to my means for the triumph of the Rights of God and of His Church.

Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer Thee my poor works to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge Thy Sacred Kingship and thus may the Reign of Peace be established throughout the entire world. Amen.
(Plenary indulgence once a day under the usual conditions)

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Church vs Synagogues of Satan Novus Ordo table like Masonic altar
Our Lady of the Rosary Library One of the most visited hubs on the Internet reaching one out of every two web users.
Aquinas Catholic Site Controversial subjects
Catholic Tradition

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Guide to Early Church Documents

AND DEATH BLOWS TO VATICAN "II" - Veritas article - http://www.veritas3.homestead.com/



Duo Conspiracy against America and the Church Get the Books! Get the Videos! while they last
National Journal Your banner is the Cross - Your Legions are the Truth
Holy Monarchy Catholic Monarchy Superior to any Republic
Coronations in Catholic Theology The Catholic religion had put everything in its place, so that the hierarchy of men was as complete as that of the order of God's Angels in Heaven.
INFILTRATION OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH A Must Read! For all generations, before it's too late.
Holocaust of non-Judeans The forgotten, omitted, ignored.
Jews not Zionists Israel is NOT a Jewish state, it is a Zionist state. There is nothing Jewish about it.
Ultimate ProLife Resource Hey, hey, Ho, ho, Roe vs Wade has to go!

